This webpage has been created to support schools across the Archdiocese in the run up to COP26. Here you will find links to resources, useful websites, information about upcoming CLPL events and much more. We will continue to add to this page in the coming weeks.
The RE Department are offering a series of events and initiatives in the run up to COP26. You can find details of our plans on the poster below.
Laudato Si' Schools
We are delighted that so many of our schools have already signed up to be Laudato Si' Schools. If you have yet to do so, please click here.
Laudato Si Schools Webpage
On the SCES Laudato Si' Schools' webpage you will find information about the award as well as the resource folder and also a series of CLPL and resource videos to help explain what being a Laudato Si’ School means and ways to integrate ecological education into the life of your school.
Vatican Laudato Si' Platform
The Vatican have launched an official Laudato Si' webpage. Here you can access the encyclical, news and stories from around the world, a map of initiatives and other resources.
On 4th October, the Feast of St. Francis, the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development will begin offering Laudato Si’ Plans on the Action Platform. They are asking that schools, parishes, dioceses, families etc. pledge their commitment to develop their Laudato Si' plan. Once signed up you will be asked to report on your plan once a year. This can be the same report that you will issues to SCES for the Laudato Si' Schools Programme. Pledge your commitment here.
Thought for the Week Videos