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Lives of the Saints PowerPoint
Lives of the Saints Fact File
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Hymn recordings
With thanks to Our Lady of the Missions' and St Conval's Primary School choirs for providing us with recordings of the hymns.
Hymns for Confirmation 2022-23
Access to Sheet Music for Hymns
Celebration of Confirmation - Alternative Hymns
Entrance Hymn: Mallaig Sprinkling Song
Gloria (sing a setting that the pupils are familiar with)
For Dan Schutte setting see:
For Dan Schutte setting see:
Psalm 61 Send Forth Your Spirit O Lord (sing a simple setting that the pupils are familiar with)
Gospel Acclamation
Hymns During Anointing with Chrism
Hymn 1: Come Holy Ghost
Hymn 2: Holy Spirit of Fire
Hymn 3: Holy Spirit Come Confirm Us
Offertory Hymn: Lord I Give My Life To You
Holy, Holy (Dan Schutte)
Lamb of God (Dan Schutte)
Memorial Acclamation (Dan Schutte)
Hymns During Communion
Hymn 1: Bread of Life, Hope of the World
Hymn 2: This Is My Body
Recessional Hymn: This is Our Faith
Music and words reproduced under licence CCL 27938 and Calamus 0269