ARCHDIOCESAN PRIMARY depute head teacher Association
The Archdiocesan Primary Depute Head Teacher Association was established in 2018 to support closer working links between the Archdiocese of Glasgow and the Depute Head Teachers of primary schools in the Archdiocese. It is also a means of Depute Head Teachers supporting one another in furthering the mission of the Catholic school. The association consists of representatives from local authorities across the Archdiocese.
The Archdiocesan DHT Association
Janice Tracy
North Lanarkshire Council
St Andrew's Primary |
Upcoming Events
Catholic Deputes Scotland Networking and Professional Dialogue
Drop in discussion groups for Deputes: A peer group for networking and discussion for Catholic Deputes
(suggested reading will be sent prior to the session to stimulate conversation)
Thursday 19th May 2022 4-5pm (Online Teams)
Drop in discussion groups for Deputes: A peer group for networking and discussion for Catholic Deputes
(suggested reading will be sent prior to the session to stimulate conversation)
Thursday 19th May 2022 4-5pm (Online Teams)
Presentations and Documents from Conferences
Restoring our Catholic Schools Through and Beyond Covid
Friday 25th March 2022 - Radisson Red Hotel
Friday 25th March 2022 - Radisson Red Hotel
Developing in Faith and HGIOS4