Most of the formal catechesis children are offered in preparation for celebrating sacraments takes place in the Catholic Primary schools of the Archdiocese. Teachers are offered notes to guide this preparation, in conformity with the Religious Education syllabus as laid out in the national document "This Is Our Faith". These notes offer an approach to the sacraments grounded in church teaching, inspired by Scripture and experienced in ritual, drawing on experience of life, which is consistent across all the schools.
In addition, the Archdiocese R.E. Department has prepared Family Workbooks which help link school and home in the preparation process. These include notes for parents, to help them understand what is being taught in school, activities for parents and chidlren to do together, shaaring their reflection and learning about the sacraments and about faith, and Prayer Time, to foster shared prayer during these special weeks of preparation. For further information about either the school or home preparation materials, contact the R.E. Department on the email link at the top of the page. |